<img src="Is-Your-Career-Right-On-Track.jpg" width=“1200” height=“900” img alt=“Find Out Now- Is Your Career On Track” alt loading="lazy" itemprop="contenturl" sizes="(max-width 758px) 100vw, 758px">

While planning future, mid-career professionals often think about questions like – Is my career on track? Am I at the right company? Or am I in the right job? Am I making good progress? so on and so forth.

These reflections often lead to the mistake of comparison. Many people end up comparing their career to others. Or they focus shifts on things that could have been or could have happened!

I strongly feel that seeing how we match up against others is an unproductive use of time. That’s because people have different priorities and circumstances. And career progressions seldom follow fixed rules.

So, here’s a better approach that saves us from being stuck in the past or doing comparisons. It’s all about having an objective criteria for finding out if we are making good progress in our career. 

This article lists a series of high-value questions that you can use for self reflection and conclude whether your career is on track as per your own judgment.

The career questions mentioned in this article are useful for all working professionals, irrespective of their age, experience and industry. They are meant to guide your thinking so you can make intelligent career choices and decisions.

At any point, if you find yourself stuck or seeking greater clarity, contact me for personalised 1-on-1 coaching. I will help you see the bigger picture clearly, so you can make informed choices and get a handle on your situation!

15 Questions To Help You Measure Progress In Your Career


Listed below are some thought-provoking questions that that will help you see whether you career is on track or not.

For the most effective self-reflection experience, find a quiet, disturbance-free environment for yourself, and approach these questions with full honesty, openness, willingness and courage.

I strongly recommend you document your responses so it becomes easy for you to assess whether your current trajectory is fulfilling and in harmony with your professional objectives.

  1. Have you reached the place where you imagined yourself to be professionally at this age? 
  2. Do you have a positive professional reputation where others appreciate and value your contribution? Are your talents, skills and viewpoints getting noticed?
  3. Have you positively impacted the organisations you have worked for thus far in a way that is meaningful and valuable to them?
  4. Do you have at least 10 months of living expenses in your savings?
  5. Are you growing and consistently adapting yourself to the changing business scenario?
  6. Do people within your industry know you by name and respect your knowledge, experience, and expertise? 
  7. Are you active in your professional networks?
  8. Over the past years, were you given new responsibilities or have you been promoted?
  9. Do recruiters and hiring managers proactively contact you about new opportunities?
  10. Can you see your skills being used in the future?
  11. Do you get the time you need for fun and recreation, your health, your personal growth, and your family and friends?
  12. Are you challenging yourself occasionally (or you are beginning to slack off and stay where you feel comfortable)?
  13. Do you have a very simple plan to move towards achieving your professional aspirations?
  14. Has your career played a worthwhile role in building the life and personal legacy you want?
  15. As per your instincts, are you walking on the right path career-wise?



Determining whether career is on track or not needs some thinking. And I hope the above 15 questions gave you fresh insights.

Now, what are you going to do with these thoughts?

What’s your strategy for advancing your career further?

If you are still looking for answers, I invite you to connect with me for personalised 1-on-1 coaching. Let’s work together to craft a career advancement strategy that resonates with you and suits your circumstances.